November 24, 2020

Business Model Optimization: Choose a Customer-Funded Business Model.

Bachir Brahim
Bachir Brahim
Business Model Optimization: Choose a Customer-Funded Business Model.

Business Model Optimization: Choose a Customer-Funded Business Model.

793 793 people viewed this event.

Growth and sustainability of different startup-ants within the colony of innovative startups are determined by the business models they designed, and the roadmap chosen by their founding entrepreneurs.In this Webinar, I will present to you a variety of business models available for startup to secure a sustainable path for development and growth. The different choices made by the entrepreneurs regarding the direction where to drive their startups are mainly financially related. Funding can turn simple ideas into genius solutions to the customers problems.

But! How hard is it for an entrepreneur to secure enough funding for his start-up’s development without drastic repercussions?
Startup-ants are invited to carefully choosing the right business model that helps them reaching markets where to test and validate their offers. It is only in the markets where innovative ideas can be validated as proven solutions for multiple problems that customers are facing.

Join me in this Webinar on
April 16, 2021 @ 3PM – 4PM CET

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Date And Time

04-16-2021 @ 03:00 PM (CET) to
04-16-2021 @ 04:00 PM (CET)


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